Mrs Heli Hätönen
Sponsors and Exhibition
heli.hatonen(a)spek.fi or
mobile +358 40 484 3822
Would you like to bring your company to the event's exhibition area?
We offer:
- A chance to make international contacts and gain international visibility
- Interactive activities to promote discussion and networking between exhibitors and delegates
Exhibition area both inside and outside
You have three options to choose from:
Gold level, price 2 000 €
- 2 x 5 square meter exhibition area inside OR outside area* (for cars etc) and 2 x 2 square meter exhibition area inside
- Participation fee for two representatives (Thursday and Friday)
- Lunches and coffees for two participants (Thursday and Friday)
- Invitation to Wednesday’s welcome dinner (1 person)
- Electricity and internet connection
- One bar table (other equipment available for additional fee)
- One slide to the screens in the meeting room (to be displayed before the events and during breaks)
- Exhibitor’s presentation in Thursday or Friday for the conference participants (5 min)
- Enhanced online visibility (large banner on conference website)
- Leaflet for participants’ welcome package
- Visibility as main sponsor in the program and documents
* Exhibition hours for the outside area will be agreed on separately
Silver level, price 1 000 €
- 2 x 2 square meter exhibition area inside
- Participation fee for two representatives (Thursday and Friday)
- Lunches and coffees for two participants (Thursday and Friday)
- Invitation to Wednesday’s welcome dinner (1 person)
- Electricity and internet connection
- One bar table (other equipment available for additional fee)
- One slide to the screens in the meeting room (to be displayed before the events and during breaks)
- Online visibility (banner on conference website)
Leaflet for participants’ welcome package
Bronze level, price 500 €
- 2 x 2 square meter exhibition area inside
- Participation fee for two representatives (Thursday and Friday)
- Lunches and coffees for two participants (Thursday and Friday)
- Invitation to Wednesday’s welcome dinner (1 person)
- Electricity and internet connection
- One bar table (other equipment available for additional fee)
- Small banner on conference website
For CTIF’s Associate Members there is a 10 % discount for Gold and Silver level packages
In addition, all exhibitors have the possibility to buy extra visibility:
• Logo for the organizing committee’s clothing
• Logo for participants’ lanyard
Please notice that there are limited number of all levels!